Massive Danny Elfman And Sam Raimi Falling Out

RaimiElfman.jpgDanny Elfman has had his hand in more Major Motion Pictures and huge hits than any Hollywood actor or Director could ever dream. The man is a composer of the highest order, and all Spider-Man fans will instantly recognize his score for the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films.

Apparently the two men were friends and quite enjoyed working together. But it looks like it’ll be a cold day in Hell before Elfman works with Raimi again. The two have had some sort of MAJOR falling out which has resulted in Danny Elfman walking away from Spider-Man 3 and swearing he’ll never work with Raimi again. The good folks over at MovieHole give us this:

(Elfman said) I’m not working on Spider-Man 3. I’m out of that. I won’t miss not doing it. Spider-Man 2 was a miserable experience”, Elfman tells the site. It’s like my connection with Sam got completely severed. As far as I’m concerned, he went to sleep, somebody put a pod next to him and when he awoke, he wasn’t the same person I’d known for a decade

It’s the first time I’ve ever walked from a director in 20 years and hoefully the last time I have to turn my back on somebody but it became like intolerable. And I’ve been on some heavy duty films, so to say that, it had to be pretty bad. I’ve been in war zones you couldn’t believe in 55 films but this is the first time I said, ‘I’ve had it. It’s just not worth it. I’d rather go back to waiting tables than to do Spider-Man 2 again, to have to have the same experience.”

Wow… those are some harsh words. Elfman has worked on a LOT of films with a LOT of directors and a LOT of egos over the years. I can’t help but think that whatever Raimi did must have been pretty harsh to make Elfman walk from a project… somthing he’s never done before. Anyone have any ideas what happened or have any thoughts?

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