Michael Biehn in Grind House?

Over a year ago I wrote a post about Michael Biehn, and how I thought the guy should have been a Hollywood A-List Mega Star. It never panned out for Biehn… due to some back luck… and due to some bad choices… but I still think the guy is amazing. As a side note, I STILL think he should have been the guy to play Cyclops in X-Men (yeah I know he’s older… but who cares).

Anyway, now the good folks over at CHUD are reporting that Biehn may be up for a lead role in the Tarantino/Rodriguez horror “Grind House“. Here’s what they had to say about it:

Robert Rodriguez is currently shooting his segment Project Terror down in Austin, and it seems as though he’ll have none other than Terminator-hater Michael Biehn among his live humans. Sure it’s not exactly an A-list catch, but both Rodriguez and Tarantino are renowned for reviving veteran genre actors, and tossing Biehn in the mix is a minor thrill for those of us who spent the 90s wearing out VHS copies of Aliens. And Hog Wild.

Man I really hope this one turns out to be true. I’d LOVE to see Biehn on the big screen again.

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