Don’t/Thanksgiving Double Feature In The Works ?

thxgvg.jpegLooks like Roth wants to tag team with Wright to do a double feature based on the films they did for in Grindhouse. We get the scoop from cinematical:

Eli Roth’s extremely twisted faux trailer for Thanksgiving was one of the many highlights of Grindhouse. It uncannily captured the scuzzed-out look of most 1980’s horror films. For those of you who thought you’d like to see that premise expanded to a feature for real, you may be in luck. Roth thinks the expanded Thanksgiving would make a perfect double bill with an expanded version of Edgar Wright’s trailer for Don’t. The combination would make for something akin to Grindhouse 2. Roth has already talked to Wright about the proposition and says, “We’re talking to Dimension about it. I think they’re still trying to figure out Grindhouse 1 before we think about Grindhouse 2, but I’ve already been working on the outline for it and I would do it in a heartbeat.” Roth wants to do the movie without much of a script and with people in their 30’s portraying the “teenagers” – 90210-style.

I think this is an awesome idea – I just don’t know if it will ever happen after the poor box office results that Grindhouse commanded. However If you make the 2 films on shoestring budgets, and shorten the entire experience to 2 hours – you may be able to make some money. It will be interesting to see if they can get financial backing for the project.

One of the best things about the Grindhouse experience was the trailers. I personally want all of them to be made into films. (Sybil Danning and Nick Cage in a feature film would be over the top awesome!) Thanksgiving and Don’t were both great trailers and it will be a delight if they make it back as films back to back.

I hope the trailer theme continues and the trailers from this project get turned into films down the line as well. That would be a celebration of cinema trash that I can endorse and support.

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