Shrek the Third – First look at Shrek’s Babies

Looks like Donkey is not the only one sporting freakish offspring in this summer’s Shrek the Third. And has the first look at the little anklebiters…. and careful. They might bite. shows us:

Shrek, meet Stork! In what can only be described as the natural progression of life, Shrek, who married Princess Fiona in his 2001 movie debut and won over his in-laws in its 2004 sequel, becomes a dad three times over in Shrek the Third, opening May 18. “It was the next logical step,” explains the film’s director, Chris Miller.

I did enjoy the first two Shrek movies so I have no doubt in my mind that I will enjoy part “The Third”. However I just am not that buzzed about it. Maybe its just too much.

I find that the genius of Mike Meyers wears thin on me after a while. I loved Austen Powers, and even the sequel. But as much as I liked the third Powers movie, I just wasn’t super hyped to see it. And it wasn’t as good as the first couple either.

Hopefully Shrek will be different and it will rock, cute baby ogres and all.

Go to to see more of the baby pictures. Shrek is a proud father!

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