World War Z Script Review

Its been a while since news hit that comic book author J. Michael Straczynski’s would adapt World War Z to film. We now get a first reaction to the script.

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It is in essence just oral recollections from survivors of World War Z. This is not your typical zombie book and this won’t be your typical zombie movie. Moriarty goes as far as to call the movie potentially “a genre-defining piece of work” that could even get people “arguing about whether or not a zombie movie qualifies as Best Picture material.” Wow, that’s quite a powerful statement, but then again, we don’t even know what to expect yet.

This is pretty rave reviews for a Zombie flick. If it is in anyway accurate, it could really send the genre on its decomposing ass. (Decomposing in a good way, not a dying failing way)

I would really be interested in seeing the Zombie genre get a treatment like this. We have seen the emergence of the ZomCom with Sean of the Dead and Fido so why not make a true drama out of it? Zombies eat people, and those people are real and have loved ones and stories to tell. This impacts deeper than just a sensationalist scene of gore and undead eating habits.

So would you be interested in a ZomDram? Can I get credit if that turns into a word?

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