Will Superman Get A Reboot?

SupesWe have an interesting bit of news regarding the future of the Superman franchise this morning thanks to our friends at cinematical via Variety.

Variety’s Anne Thompson reports that the studio is really taking their time in deciding what to do, and how Bryan Singer will play into it. At this point, despite all the rumors and excited quotes from Singer, no one is working on a Superman script.

Surprisingly, they’re with the majority of fans on this one, and feel that the movie didn’t revive the character the way they wanted, or the way they know it can be done. (You really have changed things, Christopher Nolan.) Thompson was told that the studio is making the Man of Steel a top priority — and if Singer is willing “to go in the right direction,” they’ll keep him, if not, he’s off the property. One executive freely admitted that “it might be better to start from scratch.”

We have been wondering this very thing around these parts for some time. Others have made it known that they want ahold of Superman and the studio has been very slow to release a sequel. I am going to guess that at this point, a restart is probably more likely than a sequel. As I have said before, I feel bad for Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey, I thought they did very well, it’s just a shame that the story wasn’t the greatest.

International friends – would you prefer to see a restart at this point, or would you like to give SInger a second shot at bat? Will Routh fly again and don the S on his chest?

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