Star Wars In 2008 Election

Our friend Eric over at Cinematical put these up and I couldn’t help but chuckle.


One commentor said:

“I like Luke’s chances, though lingering concerns about his ties to an ancient religion followed by his absentee father could derail his campaign. Also has a problem with honesty. Despite sometimes representing himself as such, he’s no Jedi.”


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11 thoughts on “Star Wars In 2008 Election

  1. From NewsRadio:

    “Tragedy struck in sector 9 today when terrorists blew up the Death Star, killing thousands. The Rebel Alliance, a fringe group of anti-Empire fanatics, has claimed responsibility for the terrorist act. Fortunately, Lord Vader escaped without harm. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims.”

  2. Jonathan, don’t underestimate the political pull of the religious right and the stodgy. Some will vote just because they always vote for that party. Others will vote purely because they don’t want a black man in office (ignorantly enough that will mean they are voting for a woman instead)

    There is no telling what would happen. EVERYONE I knew said Bush wouldn’t make a second term after what he did in his first term… we know what happened there.

  3. Yes an Obama vs John Mccain lightsaber battle would have made that last debate at least watchable! Obama is going to run away with the election unless the Republican party lets Tina Fey run for Sarah Palin then maybe they will have a shot!

  4. I could just see the debate now…

    Obama: What you just said was a lie.
    Luke: From a certain point of view…

    Luke waves his hand, “You want to concede”
    Obama: Sorry son, that shit might have worked on McCain.

  5. Now I want to see Obama in Jedi robes and Mccain in Sith garments battling with lightsabers….

    doesn’t Barrack obama sound like a jedi name?

    John, know anyone that could piece that together? A force battle between the two candidates?

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