Rourke Backs Out of Iron Man 2

Mickey Rourke’s flip flopping casting rumours on Iron Man 2 will now come to an end as Rourke himself admits he is backing out of the deal.

“Right now, we’re not doing Iron Man 2,” Rourke told the site. It was widely reported that Marvel Studios came in with a lowball offer of $250,000 for a role in the film and apparently negotiations have broken down.

I am all for Mickey Rourke returning to the lime light. He has certainly proved himself with the unsuspecting performance in The Wrestler. I quite expected to see him littered about in a dozen projects after that as studios try to get the returning star in their films, but I didn’t for one second believe that this would suddenly catapult him into the multi-million dollar club.

So yeah, his price tag offer for Iron Man 2 might have been a little low, but maybe his part was low too? They never did reveal which villain he was supposed to play, and perhaps like Cillian Murphy’s minor role as the Scarecrow. In the second movie it was barely a cameo, so I doubt he was paid much more. We don’t know that the role set for Rourke wasn’t a few scenes to plug the role of a villain in Iron Man 3?

Likely this came down to a choice between two paycheques and what it might do for his career and with Expendables now on his plate, there may not have been much room for Iron Man 2.

I am disappointed he is no longer involved, but not enough to call a curse on the production either. I wonder if we will ever find out which role he was going to play?

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