The unlikely sequel to the cult classic Donnie Darko revolving around his sister Samatha has been appropriately named S. Darko will not be released in theaters. Instead it will be released direct to DVD
Do you remember S. Darko, the Donnie Darko spin-off film we wrote about a while back? You know, the one which follows Donnie’s sister and features no involvement from the original director Richard Kelly? Yeah, that one. The good news is that the film will not play theatrically and will instead go direct-to-dvd on April 28th from MGM’s home entertainment.
Now I wasn’t a fan of the concept behind this sequel either, but to hang it out to dry before it even comes out is a little harsh. They are not even going to try to give this movie a chance and express that it is a good thing that its not going to be in the theater.
Negative buzz can kill a movie before it gets out the gate and I think S.Darko was already behind the 8ball with the cult following Donny Darko has. I am not surprised to see this go direct to video. A trailer will be released at the New York Comic Con.
Shoving a film to the second class release of direct to dvd doesn’t bode well for the studio’s confidence in the project, but at very least they didn’t want to can it completely so I will wait to see if someone reviews this (or maybe pick it up myself out of morbid curiosity) before I jump to conclusions and burn it in effigy.