Harold Ramis talks Ghost Busters 3

Ghost Busters 3 has been rumoured in and out of Hollywood more times than I can count. But with the release of the Ghost Busters video game and Harold Ramis spearheading the movement, we are getting closer and closer to seeing a third chapter to the 80s classics over 20 years after the last film. And from the sound of things, possibly a rejuvenation of the franchise.

Harold Ramis was interviewed by MTV and talked in detail about the progress of Ghost Busters 3. ScreenRant has most of the inverview, but I am just going to hit the headlines.

– Judd Apatow will not be involved at all

– Apatow film staples Rogen, Rudd, and Frano (original rumoured) will not be in this film

– The original cast will return (Though Bill Murray is just Ramis’ speculation – he is confident he will get him on board)

– There will be a “Passing of the Torch” with younger (not teens) Ghost Busters taking over for the retirees.

– Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky are writing the script. (Akroyd, Ramis and Ivan Reitman consulting)

– Rumours of the casting have been going on for a LONG time. Ramis said one of the early rumours he heard was Chris Farley, Ben Stiller and Chris Rock.

So far this sounds like it is shaping up and headed in the right direction.

The overall intention is that they want to do this right, and having the original cast, and director consulting, while still having the original Ghostbusters in it, this will be a true sequel instead of a half assed remake.

Any thoughts on a Ghost Busters 3?

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