G.I. Joe: Resolute Airs Tomorrow

G.I. Joe is about to grow up into a more mature adult series. No I am not talking about some trashy porno with Destro getting it on with Lady Jaye called G.I. Hoe. I am refering to the new G.I. Joe: Resolute animated shorts due to air on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim.

Latino Review shares:

Hasbro announced today that G.I. Joe: Resolute, an adult fan oriented animated mini-series, will be broadcast via Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim on television as well as online. Based on the classic G.I. JOE brand, Hasbro created 60 minutes of total content for this new story which will be presented as 11 episodes.

We always made the argument around here that G.I. Joe would never be made because the old school fans all seemed convinced that it had to be Rated R (very little NEEDS to be Rated R) and we know that Hasbro would never allow a feature film to be made without the opportunity to sell toys based on it.

Well now that they have their PG-13 feature out, the fans can have their cake and eat it too. The more adult version will be aimed to appeal to the fans of the series who were kids in the 80s and will focus on the more iconic characters from that generation. The first clip will be aired this Friday (April 17).

The Animated Clone Wars clips were presented the same way, and were very popular. Fan reaction was so strong that it spawned into a second season of short clips and inevitably into a CG Animated series. Granted they were all aimed at a younger demographic, but if there is a big enough fan response to these short clips it could turn into a regular series.

Check out www.GIJoeResolute.com for more

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