Avatar Trailer To Play In Front Of Transformers 2?

There is word flying all over the internet today that the first trailer for James Cameron’s “Avatar” is going to debut in front of Transformers 2. Nothing has been officially confirmed at this point as far as I know… but the info SEEMS to be legit.

I’m still not sure why Avatar is getting so much buzz. Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking foward to seeing it, but no one has seen anything from this movie yet and yet it’s being pumped like the next there’s no tomorrow by some people.

Showing this trailer in front of Transformers 2 would make a lot of sense. It would be hitting the right demographic, and the audiences will be HUGE for Transformers AS WELL. This, if it turns out to be true, will probably just add to the opening weekend onslaught of T2.

Are you looking forward to Avatar? Are you really hyped about it? Why?

In a distant future, humanity discovers the planet ‘Alpha Centauri B-4’, and for those scientists and astronauts who’ve traversed the gulf between neighboring suns and arrived on its alien soil know it as ‘Pandora’. A world filled with an incredible diversity of beautiful and deadly ammonia-breathing lifeforms. It’s also a world that harbors treasures and resources almost beyond price. But just as the original Pandora’s Box wrought devastation on those who would use it for their own gain, so too this world may destroy not just the Pandorans’ home, but ours as well.

Avatar is the story of a wounded ex-marine, thrust unwillingly into an effort to settle and exploit an exotic planet rich in bio-diversity, who eventually crosses over to lead the indigenous race in a battle for survival.

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33 thoughts on “Avatar Trailer To Play In Front Of Transformers 2?

  1. John, I feel you on not knowing enough. I like Cameron a lot, believe me (enough to question referencing Transformers 2 as T2… but not enough to really care), but the hype behind it isn’t enough. I’m too skeptical these days to lend any faith before I actually view something. I like the promise of new tech to make a picture, the effort Cameron may have put into it, the idea he supposedly waited for tech to catch up to what he had envisioned… etc; but I read the scriptment, and while decent, I just don’t know about it holding up to the hype.

  2. Imagine back to 1998 and Cameron winning the Academy Award and wondering when his next film would be. If someone had told you you would have to wait until Christmas 2009? You would call them crazy.

  3. I had the pleasure to talk to an onset producer and a studio exec about Avatar recently, and both left me shaking my head and smiling my ass off about how cool this thing is gonna be. No-one really knows too much, and the script seems to have been tweaked from the copy floating around on the web back in 2001, but it all just seems very fresh and immersive. The technology being used is jawdroppingly kickass and totally groundbreaking – Stereoscopic 3D tech that’s hard to get your head around, but supposedly puts you right there in the alien world he’s creating like nothing else. NOT Monsters Vs Aliens. Something far better, and obviously with liveaction. Really only Zemeckis and Spielberg/Jackson (TinTin) are the only guys pushing it all forward. Studio folks haven’t seen anything as far as I was told. No rushes, no scenes, no nothing. Which sounds scary (though also cool that it’s THAT top secret), but is probably because he has something truly special and doesn’t want it spoiled by anything out of his control. All they’ve heard from the very top is that this film will make you connect with alien characters in such an intimate way, that we’ll all feel like we’re watching ET as a 6 year old again. I for one am down.
    I guess the only thing I’m even slightly worried about is how preachy the message of the film is (Captain Planet style). The script I read years back was pretty ‘Fern Gully’ at times.

    We HAVE to trust Cameron. He’s one of the only trustworthy ones we have left.

  4. John… one reason why this movie is getting so
    much hype….!!!!! James (Fuckin) Cameron!!!!
    Need I say more… ??? Where have you been…?
    With this being his first actual movie since
    (Academy Award – Best Picture… DUH) Titanic, I
    can already tell you… this movie will Fucking

    You can say all you want but I only have one
    thing to say that shoots whatever questionable
    comments you may have….

    James (FUCKIN) Cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The prove is in the man’s body of work!!!!
    You figure it out….

    Looking Forward to this!!!


  5. This sounds a little boring to me. I don’t want it to be like Superman Returns though. Now Avatar will be visually stunning because Cameron is using this 3-d fusion camera system or whatever it’s called. At a budget of 300 million this should be the most gorgeous we have ever seen. Titanic was a marvel to look at and the ship tragedy aspect was very well done. In my opinion, the film was plagued by wooden acting, dialogue, and an average script. I still do not know why Titanic was so successful, but whatever. If avatar is executed right and has a good story along with revolutionary special effects, then this could be a very successful film. If it fails it will be a spectacular failure. Nevertheless, Everyone of Cameron’s films have been successful commercially and critically so he should be fine.

  6. yeah i don’t know why it would be getting any buzz.

    its only the return to cinema after a ten year absence of one of the best and most successful directors of all time.

    No biggie…..

  7. I’m very excited to see something on “Avatar” mainly because all these filmmakers, who have seen minutes of it, seem like they just want to make love to it. I would love for it to bridge the uncanny valley (like Cameron claims) and I would love to see any new film have the impact of a film like “The Godfather” (yes, Steven Soderberg actually said something like that), but I am extremely skeptical. I’m 99% sure the CGI will look like CGI and if it does have a huge impact, it will probably be in terms of 3D technology only (which I, personally, don’t care for), NOT groundbreaking in any storytelling terms or in any way “The Godfather” was (I will very gladly eat my words if it is). But seriously, everyone who has raved about “Avatar” has only seen a few minutes of footage! I don’t care how cool 3 minutes of the movie looks i’m absolutely not going to compare it to something like “The Godfather”, the rest of the movie could suck, or the story could suck completely. Even if you took the greatest 3 minutes of “The Godfather” and put it into a bad or average mob movie, guess what??? You’d still have a bad mob movie and we absolutely would NOT be talking about that 3 minute scene 40 years later. Shame, shame to those overzealous directors.

    I DO hope we get a trailer soon though, and not just a 30 second teaser that doesn’t show us anything.

  8. Is this Avatar the same Avatar thats anime and hes an airbender or whatever?

    If not, then why are people so into it? Is it based off of some book or comic book or show? Remake? Reboot?

    1. No, it is not based on any existing IP, in other words not based another franchise. If you want to know why people are excited, then read some of the previous posts above here. We answer that question. But ya, there is an Avatar The Last Airbender being made, but not the same thing as this as Matt K. stated.

    2. For the longest time I thought it was the cartoon too. I’ve seen very little of the Avatar cartoon but it was my nephew’s favorite show so I always heard him talking about it. So I just thought that’s what this was once I heard the name.

  9. It’s JC’s return to the movies he became famous for. I’ve been looking forward to this movie for over 2 years, John you will like this movie more than UP, just wait!

  10. holy crap I’d love that. I am hyped because the project seems interesting, and in the hands of Cameron, I trust that. The posters so far have been nice, but I am a little concerned it might be endless graphics and no dialogue or anything. I heard the script was endless blocks of action and little dialogue. i’m still excited, but a little nervous as to how this might turn out. Still, if it does play in front of Transformers, that’s going to be another reason to see my highly anticipated Revenge Of The Fallen. Btw it’s getting some people thinking best picture nom, I think it’ll be good, but I’m kind of a WTF on that one

    Good article John

    1. With that said, I’m just dying to see SOMETHING from this project, anything. I agree the hype is because of the mysteriousness of the project, I’m guilty of that, but the secrecy thing is killin’ me, and getting me a little worried, though if they have the confidence to put the trailer in front of Transformers then we might have a blockbuster here, in which I think we already do. Avatar might fail, it really might, though i don’t think so

  11. Well, I was interested in seeing Avatar, but not so much anymore. This top secret reveal nothing nonsense really makes my stomach turn. I hope the trailer is not just a teaser that will show us nothing. I have seen so many people anoint this the Holy Grail movie of the 21st century just because it’s Jim Cameron. Well, let me say this. As great a movie as “Titanic” was, it loses something after repeated viewings. To me, a great movie is something that holds up over time. Titanic was a great movie that struck a chord with audiences and that’s why it made the money it did, but I don’t see it as a movie people will be talking about in 20 years. That being said, it has been what, 12 years since Cameron directed a movie? He made 3 classics, T1, T2, and Aliens. 3 great films does not make you a flawless film maker, yet fanboys are getting ga ga over a movie we essentially know nothing about. I like Cameron and would love to see him have a hit again, but the hype is killing Avatar for me, and it may wind up killing the movie itself.

    1. Don’t get me wrong, Cameron is an awesome film maker. But I want to see something before I anoint this movie the greatest thing in the world.

    2. And The Abyss and True Lies (ok, True Lies may not be a classic, but it was pretty awesomely funny). Basically you listed off every theatrical release he has directed post Piranha 2. The fact that nearly all, if not all, movies he has directed post Piranha 2, have been golden doesn’t justify hype for a project that has little known about it, then I don’t know what does. :D

    3. and no one is anointing it as the greatest thing in the world. people are just excited…..

      when I look at the very uninspiring list of films due out this year this seems to be one of the few titles to be excited about.

      camerons long awaited return and also he is trying to deliver something no one has ever seen before. i completely new experience to blow our minds.

    4. yeah this top secret stuff sucks.

      I prefer to know every single thing about a film before I see it so there is nothing left to surprise me when I see it. then I can bitch and moan about how average it was or boring it was and how they gave everything away in the trailer.

  12. “, but no one has seen anything from this movie yet and yet it’s being pumped like the next there’s no tomorrow by some people.”

    UHHhhh…. Hello John? Are you feeling alright today? This is a JAMES CAMERON movie we are talking about here!!! ^_^

  13. I think all the hype comes from multiple reasons. It’s the first theatrical release he has directed since Titanic. His last theatrical release as director was Titanic, the highest grossing movie of all time (or something like that). The special effects are already being hyped as the greatest thing since, I don’t know, the Matrix? Cameron has a list of really good movies under his belt. People that got the privilege of seeing the little shot filmed in first person running through an alien landscape had nothing but good things to say about that scene. Need I go on? Think that is good enough to explain why there is the hype behind it that there is. I am excited for multiple reasons, one of which is this is a dream project of his and I have been tracking since back in the day when it was merely known as project 880, and that his follow up project is/was supposed to be Battle Angel Alita!

    1. Oh they keep coming to me. And it’s not based on an existing IP (ie. franchise). This may be counter to hype, but dammit it causes me hype! :D

  14. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This just gives me another reason to see “Transformers Revenge of the Fallen”….and yes I’m definitely looking forward to “Avatar”

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