Ponyo Poster

There has been a growing willingness in recent years for Hollywood to embrace a few Asian works and bring them to, or adapt them for, a North American audience. The most recent example of this is the animated film Ponyo (which looks just gorgeous by the way). The first Ponyo poster has been released. Check it out:


About the film:

Ponyo centers on a five-year-old boy’s friendship with a “girl-fish” who wants to be human and ventures out of her underwater world. The plot echoes elements from Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid fairy tale, as well as traditional Japanese folklore, and boy’s character is based on Miyazaki’s own son, Goro. Miyazaki was reportedly directly involved in many aspects of the animation himself, preferring to draw the sea and waves himself. The movie debuted in Japan on July 19 and opened to roughly $17 million.

Here’s the Japanese trailer for it if you’re interested:

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