First Look at the Chippettes in The Squeakquel Poster

Alvin and the Chipmunks was a pretty cute movie, but clearly aimed at a younger crowd. I think it did a fine job capturing the essence of the original series while still re-introducing us to a world where not only can Chipmunks talk, but they can sing in three part harmony.

Now we are being delivered a sequel. Pardon me, a “Squeakquel” and not only that but the new poster gives us our first look at their rivals, The Chippettes.

I can deal with putting clothes on animals. Its funny. But I have always looked upon animals as gender neutral. I am fully aware of gender differences in animals, but it is inconsequential. A dog is just a dog whether its a girl or boy. But dressing up chipmunks in outfits suitable for Britney Spear’s next concert tour just sits strange with me.

In this live action presentation of the Chipmunks, they made them ACTUAL chipmunks. Maybe a tiny bit bigger. Unlike the cartoon where they were the size of young boys, and everyone casually disregarded that they were taking animals in clothes. This puts them firmly in the fantasy category of Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse. Anthropomorphic silliness.

You put lipstick on a chipmunk and I am going to feel really creeped out by it.


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11 thoughts on “First Look at the Chippettes in The Squeakquel Poster

  1. I thought the movie was kind of cute and then promptly forgot about it/banished it from my mind.

    Had no interest in ever seeing it again and hope I never do.

    BTW, the Chippettes look more like the cartoon than the Chipmunks do.

  2. Oh well,i guest this really is a squeakquel due to we now have 2x the squeaking.but i personally am looking forward to the movie.although like Rodney said if their is lipstick involved it will be a bit creepy.

  3. That looks fucking terrible

    Oh and Rodney, try making your opinions matter by having more than one , ever since you re-started here, you’ve given everything a thumbs up

    1. If you want your comments to matter you might want to make sense.

      Re-started? I have been writing on this site since it started. I even wrote for John on the review site he had before this one. I had a break of about 4 months 2 years ago, but aside from that I never left.

      You need to read the site more.

  4. okay there is quite a big difference between female dogs and male dogs. male dogs will hump the shit outa your leg and bitches won’t. off topic but had to be said.

    And I think it’s kinda hard to judge a movie that is clearly for such a young audience. Its kinda like okay whatever I hated it but the kiddies and women of all ages thought it was great.

    1. This movie succeeded at what it was supposed to do, and kids loved it. I didnt hate it, or like it, whatever.


      When my 2 little brothers bought the soundtrack and we were listening to it in the house and in the car…I WANTED TO KILLLLL MYSEEELLLLLFFFFF!!!!!


      Needless to say I decapitated my little brothers.

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