International Sherlock Holmes Trailer Online

Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes looks to be less inaccurate, and more exaggerated on the HOlmes of literary legend. The mention of Holmes as a martial artist, pugelist and swordsman in the books is rarely has to use them resorting instead to his brilliant mind. So I can deal with Ritchie doing his own unique spin on Holmes. In fact I was really looking forward to this.

However in this new trailer it seems more like they have made Holmes into a socially retarded bumbling genius, and the ever mindful Watson seems to be the badass continually challenging Holmes.

I am all for fresh eyes on a known character but when there is too much of a diversion it can distract from the movie.

I have lost a lot of anticipation for this film because of this trailer, however my feelings about Rachel McAdams have not changed one bit. Holy crap she looks amazing.

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24 thoughts on “International Sherlock Holmes Trailer Online

  1. I’ve never been excited for this movie and the trailers haven’t helped. It seems like they made it into more of an action-comedy type of movie rather than a crime-thriller. Holmes appears to be zany and eccentric rather than a quiet intellectual who just happens to have odd habits (I hope I’m wrong). Also, I really believe that Guy Ritchie’s gone downhill after Snatch and I’ve almost completely lost faith in him. This just looks like another one of his gangster Brit-comedies.

  2. In the books, it is stated that Holmes was an accomplished boxer,and could defend himself well. He would play his violin at odd hours,go days without eating, sleeping or bathing, and was awkward around the ladies. One glaring difference is the characters physical attributes-Holmes was tall and Watson was quite stocky. Watson adored Holmes, and downplayed any role he might have had in helping him solvecases or get out of tough spots,ect

    1. Less Inaccurate. People are saying this is inaccurate, but it does feed on basic principals of Holmes but exaggerates them.

      Holmes was a capable combatant. This film makes it seem he seeks fights and is a pit fighter.

      Less inaccurate than most people are accusing it as.

  3. Conversely, this is the trailer that actually switched me onto the movie in a bigger way. I would have seen the film away as I’m a fan of Sherlock Holmes (books and films) and I certainly agree with Rodney that it is a departure from the source. That said, I don’t recall seeing Basil Rathbone shoot up, whereas Jeremy Brett did; i.e. each director brings something new to the Sherlock Holmes myth / legend / story. Oddly enough, I watched Young Sherlock Holmes recently, still not bad, after all these years. I recall two Sherlock Holmes short stories as well (not by SACD), one had Holmes as a man from the future, bred in a lab and sent back stop his brother (Moriarty, not his other brother) and then one where Watson solves the case through (physically painful) mental intuition. Enough waffle, I’m looking forward to seeing this :-)

  4. The movie looks like a more dynamic reindition of the Sherlock Holmes saga, the only adapted traits of Holmes being his name and clothes, the rest completely transformed through what Guy Ritchie has envisioned for the film. The Sherlock Holmes in this trailer has a clever demeanor, with a seemingly rabid intoxication for fighting and adventure. It appears to be somewhat of a comical drama, with witty one-liners here and there. I’m personally excited for the movie, cause quite frankly, it looks awesome.

    By the way, Rodney, I quoted you in a blog post of mine. Hope that’s not a problem.

  5. Oh hell ya! Awesome trailer, even better then the US one. Can’t wait for his movie.

    I just hope it’s not all action and this is just what the trailers are focusing on to get more people’s attention. Holmes was know for his using his brain mostly.

    1. I agree. If this was just a period piece (with modern seasoning) that just had two crime fighting buddies in the gaslight era, I would probably be diggin it pretty hard right now.

      Attaching the Holmes mythos… not so much.

    2. Like John said about Harry Potter the film does not have to be like the book so are we talking about if was another group of characters. This sounds like what my Aunt said about the New Bond movies it should be 009 or something why?

      Cultures change this will be good for our modern young youth and event the middle aged people. Cause no one wants to see this if it was a slow crime film they have CSI on TV for that.

  6. i agree….i really like these trailers as a good-ol guy ritchie action crime story but not as a sherlock holmes movie…it doesnt feel right

  7. I’m quite liking the trailers so far.

    I have this weird thing about Jude Law. I don’t really like the guy at all but the movies he does a good job in end up being really good movies otherwise as well(enemy at the gates) and so far it seems he’s doing a great job in Sherlock Holmes so I’m expecting a great movie :P

  8. Having never read a Holmes story, or seeing any of his films, I have to say that I am pretty excited for this film (Rodney, I can definately see why a familiarity with the original character may make this a distraction, though). The cast looks good, I’m liking the comedy, definately digging the action (Looks like RDJ is using Wing Chun Gung Fu, pretty cool, that’s what Bruce Lee used mostly, I think, RDJ practices it in real life too), and I think Ritchie can do a pretty good job with this. I’m looking forward to it.

    By the way, anyone know if this trailer is attatched to Harry Potter. Also, is the new “Where the Wild Things Are” trailer any good?

  9. My hope is that they have to show more of the action in the trailer than the genius detective work (like using the powder spray to find a draft), just because of the nature of a trailer, and to not give away too much of the mystery.

    From what I remember of the books, Holmes was at times ‘socially retarded’ with little regard for the feelings of others, while at others times he knew how to act the perfect gentleman with important clients.

    As to Watson, he never shows too much of himself in the stories, mostly because he is narrating Holmes’s genius. It seems like every adaptation has put their own spin on Watson. Some have him bumbling so Holmes can explain everything to him, and to us, others have him very smart to show just how much of a genius Holmes is in comparison.

    I’m really looking forward to this movie, and hope that it is good enough to spawn a new series of Sherlock Holmes movies.

    1. I know right.

      A time piece what is a time piece?

      This looks like a fun film for entertainment fuck trying to be a accurate art house film to a old story bring us a fun but good film.

  10. I do hope the trailers are emphasizing the action and saving the more “brainy parts” for the movie…but I have my doubts.

    Was really hoping for a more period piece…this kind of feels to modern. I’ll see how the reviews are first before deciding if this is a rental.

    I was really excited to see this but the trailers are dampening my enthusiasm.

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