Nathan Fillion to Play Ant Man?

Back when Joss Whedon was given the comfy chair to direct the Avengers I teased that he might cast some Whedonite Alums. One of which was speculating that Nathan Fillion would play AntMan and now the rumour wheels are spinning tales that it might be close to actually happening! shares the latest rumour:

Nathan Fillion is pretty much locked to be Henry Pym [Ant-Man], and should be announced before any other new additions to the cast (think around Comic Con).
But before you get your hopes raised too high, we’re not completely convinced that this is a completely solid rumor. Especially since the director Edgar Wright told The Playlist Nation that this was all news to him. But like he’d admit it, and spoil the big Comic Con reveal, right…right?

In my post where I guessed Fillion for Pym, I said:

Regardless of whether they use Antman or Giantman, it will be Henry Pym and he will get to make the moves on the Wasp. What girl can resist Fillions charms? Besides that Pym is a broken man with a dependancy on prozak, and Fillion plays flawed in a unique way that it becomes part of his character, not a detraction from it. Pym would be perfect for him.

I am 100% for this if its true. And if it is I am taking full credit!!

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