Idris Elba in talks to join Ghost Rider 2

Yesterday we heard that Idris Elba wasn’t done with Marvel after his role in Thor and speculation arose as to what character that would be.

I still vote Black Panther, but it just may be a role in Ghost Rider 2.

Shock til you Drop reports:

Idris Elba and Johnny Whitworth are in negotiations to join the cast of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance at Columbia Pictures, reports Heat Vision.

Now the problem with this is the exact opposite of the solution I had yesterday considering his role of Hemidall.

Ghost Rider is unlikely to be the launching point for a spinoff of Power Man(Luke Cage) or Blade, so I doubt his role will be of an existing character.

As Hemidall he will be barely recognizable in the giant over exaggerated armour. This leaves the door wide open for him to play other more notable characters in the Marvel Universe and have his own vehicle to star in.

But if he plays a supporting role in Ghost Rider, he will forever be branded as that character (until they reboot the franchise and erasing him from that obligation – See Chris Evans)

So while I wish Idris Elba all the best of luck, I do hope for his sake that he will be playing Blade or Luke Cage in the Ghost Rider film and spinoff into his own franchise from there. But I don’t see it happening.

It would be interesting if Luke Cage was in a Nic Cage film, as it is well known that Nicolas Cage, was born Nicolas Kim Coppola (Nephew of Francis Ford Coppola) and changed his name to Cage as not to build his success from his uncle’s reputation, and chose Cage because of the popular (at the time) Marvel Comics character.

Seems more likely that could happen now that I think of it.

EDIT MTV Splash reports Elba’s character:

Elba stars as “an alcoholic warrior monk” tasked with tracking down Johnny Blaze

So no Cage or Blade in Ghost Rider… at least played by Elba.

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