Filming starts on Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are pumped about starting principal photography on the sequel to Ghost Rider in which Nicholas Cage will reprise his role as the Spirit of Vengeance.

The directing duo announced today via their Twitter account the following:

“principal photography on ghost rider SOV begins today!!! idris elba, helicopters, motorcycles, russian arm and the the Transfagarasanul…. HOLY SHIT”

Aardvark! Peanut shells! GI Joe!

Oh wait… we aren’t just shouting out random things? Oops.

That Twitter is the oddest announcement for filming starting I have ever read. Not sure what to make of it short of a brain aneurysm or tourettes.

And Idris Elba.

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6 thoughts on “Filming starts on Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

  1. “That Twitter
    is the oddest announcement for filming starting I have ever read. Not sure what to make of it short of a brain aneurysm or tourettes.

    And Idris Elba.”

    That made my day Rodney…thank you.

  2. Kinda looking forward to this, as it can’t be any worst than the first film. Quite frankly, I was very suprised that a sequel was green-lighted. (Now, if only Nic Cage will come to grips w/the fact that he’s bald and not wear that ridiculous, Elvis-black rug we have had to endure for his last few films, all will be well in the world).

  3. LOL Hot Rod thats what I was thinking, I swore they were just blurting things out.

    The sad thing is that I will watch this even though I know it most likely will be utter crap.

    I know you hear it a lot but I will refer to you as hot rod. WAR JUDD NELSON

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