First Look at Karl Urban as Judge Dredd

The story of Judge Dredd is what lets us forgive the overly stylized and impactical outfits presented in the comic book. And while the Sylvester Stallone version in the 90s toned it down a tiny bit, it was still hokey and the film itself was not good.

Now they are remaking the movie, and we get our first look at the Street Judge’s uniform, and its not all that bad. (I put the Stallone version below it for comparison)

The helmet is a little more true to the comic with its badge logo and x pattern over the visor, but the exaggerated body armour has been toned down to something more realistic that a future version of a cop with the power of a judge jury and executioner would wear.

I mean, it can’t be as bad as the Stallone Dredd, so we at least got that going for it!


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