Cinematical gives birth to the following:
According to Lionsgate, “based on the 16 million copy best-selling book, ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’ is an ensemble romantic-comedy … in the vein of ‘Love Actually and ‘Valentine’s Day.’ The film is a modern look at love through the eyes of four interconnected couples experiencing the thrills and surprises of having a baby, and ultimately coming to understand the universal truth that no matter what you plan for, life doesn’t always deliver what’s expected.”
Directed by Kirk Jones (“Waking Ned Devine,” and “Nanny McPhee”), this is such an odd project. The book has been on the NYT Best Sellers list for over 500 weeks, and every woman ever pregnant has gotten three copies of it at their baby shower (mine sure did!), so it will certainly ride the recognizability train.