Star Wars Blu Ray alterations

Star Wars is preparing for another re-release soon, this time in the BluRay format and I’ve learned that there are some alterations to the original films that may not go unnoticed to fans. For starters I’ve learned that Yoda has been updated so that he will no longer be a Jim Henson puppet in the Phantom Menace and instead will be replaced with the CGI version that was used in the remaining prequels.

Weird, but not a deal breaker. I’m all for consistency in the films and if it makes it a little easier on my girlfriend when I ignore her and marathon through the films we watch the movies together then I can get with that.

One other alteration that’s caught my attention is a Vader scream. At the end of Revenge of the Sith Vader yells out a wimpy cry of “NOOOO!”. Go figure. For some reason this yell has been introduced to the original trilogy at the end of Return of the Jedi:

Now that’s just odd. I’ve long since recovered from my Star Wars fanatacism to over think or over care about the alteration, but it did capture my attention and reminded me that George Lucas loves to tweak and re-tweak these films until he thinks they’re perfect. Now I can only wonder what other changes he may be saving for the obvious eventual 3D home releases…

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