Cameron still wants Battle Angel for himself

Some of us know about the awesomeness that’s hidden between the pages of the manga known as ‘Battle Angel Alieta’, and some of us don’t. James Cameron is one man who admittedly found a love for the story, characters, and world found within the books so it was pure excitement when we learned that he had secured the rights to adapt the books into a film… but that was years ago and the good folks over at Collider took it upon themselves to ask for an update and here’s what the man, surprisingly, had to say:


Collider: Hey, is Battle Angel still happening?

Cameron: I’m obviously going to be pretty busy for the next five years [with Avatar 2 and 3]. And so I had to consider, do I hand this project off to another director? And then I thought, ‘No, I love it too much.’”

It’s such a rich world. What I’m going to do is take the spine story and use elements from the first four books. So, the Motorball from books three and four, and parts of the story of one and two will all be in the movie.

It was previously stated in interviews that he waited for the technology to develop to a point where he would be able properly depict the steam punk world found in the Battle Angel series and, in my opinion, Avatar seems to have been a great way to test out technology and its ability to create engrossing believable environments so I can only imagine how much further we’ll be in 5 years time when he’s finally finished with Avatar.

I am pretty disappointed that It’ll be a very long time before we finally see this series hit screen as I’m sure there are other capable directors out there who could do this sooner, but I have to admit that I would love to see what Cameron has in store for the series. He’s just really really trying our patience.

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