Lauren Donner’s name should be synonymous with comic book movies as she’s the wife of acclaimed ‘Superman’ director Richard Donner and has been the name associated with producing all of the X-Men films, including ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ and the upcoming ‘X-Men: First Class’. It’s been mentioned that she’s not yet finished with producing these X-Men films, and was recently re-iterating her intent to produce the further adventures of X-Men with more sequels.
Source: Obsessed with Film
We took the treatment to Fox and they love it… And X4 leads into X5…
And later she has this to say about Deadpool and how they will address his development in ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.
It’s a total reboot… We’re either going to pretend that didn’t happen – or mock it, which he could
It’s insane, it’s definitely comedy,
But it’s an R script, it’s really irreverent and violent. Right away, we’re out of the X-Men world
I think it’s great that they’re planning things further than just 1 film with the X-men movies, because I just don’t believe that some of the characters have been handled well thus far. I had a hard time accepting that they seemingly killed off 3 of the principle characters in X3, and just how far they deviated from the stories in the comics. The good thing is that they still have a lot of opportunity to continue the franchise, and redeem themselves with fans like me who weren’t satisfied with the direction of X3.
As far as Deadpool is concerned I think they’re on the right track of “rebooting” while acknowledging his appearance in the Wolverine movie because it would be right in line with the tone and characteristics of the comic. Deadpool breaking the 4th wall and trashing his appearance in the Wolverine film would be a hilarious gag for fans of his comic and to distance his movie from the Wolverine movie.