No Joseph Gordon-Levitt in G.I. Joe 2

The JGL, (that’s what I call him now), has been in high demand recently. One of the movies he made prior to his newfound demand was G.I. Joe back in 2008. That movie had some moderate success, and even managed to find a green light for a sequel so one would assume that JGL would be considered for a return seeing as he’s all popular now, right? While promoting his current new movie, Hesher, he answered that very question. No.

Collider says:

During my interview with Gordon-Levitt earlier today, we discussed how he got involved in Hesher and how he prepared for the role, will he return as Cobra Commander in the sequel to G.I. Joe (he won’t), he talks about Rian Johnson’s Looper, how can he top his amazing monologue on Saturday Night Live, what’s his karaoke song, and he provides an interesting comparison/contrast between Christopher Nolan and Hesher’s writer/director Spencer Susser.

No? NO?! Since when do actors use that word when asked if they’re returning to a film. No? Seriously?!!? I mean, they stated that only a few people would be returning for a sequel but I really thought Cobra Commander was kind of a no-brainer thing to bring back. I haven’t been doing too good with “no-brainers” thing today so I think I’m going to sit in a corner and re-think everything I know, and maybe I can figure out how people come to these decisions.

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