Expect The Wolverine to begin shooting in October, which probably means Fox aims to have it in theaters for 2012.
For a Fox movie that’s actually a pretty long production cycle, which suggests that they’re taking their time with this one .
Do or die? Well, I think so. They got one of the best directors around to sign on a wobbling franchise which got a light boost from ‘First Class’ last May. Also, while I didn’t despise the previous Wolverine film, it did have its problems and then there was the treatment of the supporting characters (such as Gambit and Deadpool) and the ‘no threat’ factor (up to four characters will live to fight another day)…and I hope this new installment builds on the current momentum.
I note the speculation over the storyline due to recent events. I’m going to take an educated guess and say that they (Fox) ARE NOT going to slip the production notes and say ‘Dump Japan’. If nothing else, folks we know that for a fact. The public wants it. The fans want it. Everyone wants it. It makes up for past transgressions. IF there are any “changes” it will simply to add or subtract a character (I’m thinking a Victor Creed cameo myself) or a minor scene being altered for economics sake. The “Dump Japan” angle-? Don’t buy into that folks.
But let’s say I’m full of lactose and they are dumping Japan. What Wolverine story would you like to see in its place if they (Fox) sended out such a boneheaded memo?
Weigh in!