Josh Trank will direct a comic movie not named Venom

There was a lot of interest in what this director would approach next after the success of the movie “Chronicle” earlier this year. He was courted to do Fantastic Four and in talks to direct Venom but it appears that he’s chosen something completely different but still in the realm of comic books. Instead of the household properties it appears that Trank has chosen to direct “The Red Star”.

Source: Obsessed with Film

Deadline reports that Trank will helm The Red Star, an adaptation of the alternative reality comic book series that has a cult following.
Created in 1999 by Christian Gossett at Image Comics, the award-winning graphic novel is set in a fictional Soviet Russia where an epic war between militarized sorcery and monolithic technology wages. In the middle of this, there are ghosts of old soldiers who continue to fight alongside the living.

Since it made its debut in the late 90’s, Gossett formed Archangel Studios in 2002 and has self-published more issues.

Granted I ignored a lot of Image Comics releases back in the 90’s as I had been firmly locked and obsessed with seeing the conclusion of the Spider-Man clone saga, but this premise sounds pretty interesting! I think I prefer him working on making this story come to life in film that something I’m familiar with like Venom and hope to see something come out of his commitment. I’ll keep an eye on this guy and this project and let you guys know how things go from here…

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