RUMOR: Josh Trank might direct Venom movie

It should practically be common knowledge by now that I adore Spider-Man. So much so that it’s borders the edges of sanity to what lengths I go out of my way to get Spider-Man themed things for my children. Costumes, tables, chairs, bed sets, sheets, posters. Let’s just say I have a mild obsession. I love the character so much that I tried my hardest not to hate Spider-Man 3 when it was first released. I thought people were being too hard and should take into consideration that it was a movie based on a comic book character and in comparison to previous outings for such characters that it should be given a fair shake. Then I re-watched Spider-Man 3 over and over again and my poor dishoveled argument fell apart. The worst offense of the film? the treatment and shoehorning the character of Venom.


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