Hangover 2 gets Paul Giamatti and Bill Clinton

The Hangover 2 is adding two more faces to its guys night out party. Paul Giamatti will be playing a smaller role and another “surprise” cameo from the former President of the United States, Bill Clinton.

ScreenRant says:

Paul Giamatti is officially onboard for The Hangover 2 in an as yet unknown role.

Former U.S. president Bill Clinton was in the capital city of Thailand over the weekend and shot a brief cameo for the Hangover 2, according to People.

I think adding Giamatti is certainly a plus. Adding a solid comedic actor to any comedy film is a good thing.

But I am a bit disappointed that we are discovering all these cameos and surprises in advance. I am part of the problem spilling it all to you, but frankly woudln’t it be better to have a Bill Clinton cameo we didn’t see coming?

And a down the road when the film is finally released, wouldn’t it be funny to see a Mel Gibson cameo too? In hindsight that might actually be funnier.

For instance, Bill Murray’s cameo in Zombieland, or Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder. Out of no where and people didn’t even know they were involved. At all.

Instant impact.

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