
How do you watch your movies?


Would you pay more to view films day one at home, or would you still go to the theatre? Or do you not go to the theatre at all, and wait for the home video release?


It’s been a relative thought that has become looming in recent times, in terms of the general cost of tickets, IMAX, 3D, 2D, and digital streaming. Gone are the days of retail/rental outlets, the Mom & Pop store with the 2 for 1 rental on Tuesdays, or the Family Video after 10:00pm special where all films are 2 for 1. We don’t clamor/fight to get 1 of 20 copies of the latest new release on Friday before anyone else. It’s as simple as checking for the nearest Redbox, looking to see if it’s available on Netflix, or the pay-per-view listings being updated on your local cable provider. With Comcast, or Shaw, or Sky TV with their sky TV packages, or looking at Movie Central, or SuperChannel, HBO, I mean the list is endless. But that’s the point as we move forward to what is essentially becoming ‘convenience’. It’s a digital age.


And does anyone really miss going to the rental store and looking through slim-pickings if the movie you’re looking for is all rented out? I remember growing up rushing to the video store on a Tuesday (when new movies came out, they still come out the same day actually) after school/work, or during summer holidays to make sure I got that movie early so I could watch it later. I’m also vaguely reminded of Double Dragon (1994) in this instance and was especially excited when it was the only copy available for rent. Do you miss this at all? Does anyone? I think for myself it’s the active thought of physically leaving my house, in an almost communal manner to look at the video store racks, and get my movie. You know, I miss Suncoast Video it’s just not the same lining up outside a 7-Eleven flipping through a Redbox touchscreen if I want a Blu-Ray nowadays. Netflix streaming on my media device or computer, or mailing to my house – it’s all just too easy nowadays!




It’s a strange complaint to have but moving forward it has me wondering about theatres in general. Obviously there is money to be made and money to recoup due to enormous budgets. But would you, if available, pay a premium price for a membership or one time rental for a digitally streamed day one theatrical release? In the comfort of your own home, at a time of your convenience, and if so, how much would you pay? Or are you all about going to the theatre? Is it an outing you look forward to with friends, family or maybe by yourself? Do you even like going to the theatre, do you wait it out? Do you already have an amazing home theatre setup and that’s how you roll regardless? Do you like avoiding large crowds and only join the matinee crowd? Do you wait until a film hits your local cheap theatre or do you only watch movies on a cheap ticket Tuesday? Midnight releases, do you do them? What’s your flavor?


It’s the bonafide question of how do you watch your movies? And maybe would you change it moving forward? As movie fans and goers it’d be great for you to Sound off below on your thoughts, even if it’s to rehash the old school memory of ‘renting and returning’ movies.



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