John Reviews Vacancy

Small horror/thriller films are all the rage with the studios these days… mostly because you’re almost guaranteed to make a little money with them and the fact that generally speaking they’re pretty inexpensive to make. Add a little star power ...

John Reviews Fracture

It doesn’t matter what it is, or how it eventually turns out… when an Anthony Hopkins movie comes out, you pay attention. And thus here we have his new film that opened this weekend without an awful lot of fanfare… ...

John Reviews Hot Fuzz

Flat out, Shaun of the Dead is one of my favorite films of the past couple of years. It was creative, funny, scrary… and single handedly created a new genre of film making: The Rom-Com-Zom (also known as the Romantic ...

Shaolin Soccer Sequel

When most people in this neck of the woods hear the name Stephen Chow, they usually think of his hit film “Kung-Fu Hustle”. However, I would submit that Kung-Fu Hustle pales in comparison to his slightly earlier masterpiece… SHAOLIN SOCCER! ...