It’s official: Arnold Schwarzenegger running

It’s official: Arnold Schwarzenegger running for Governor of California
To some it comes as a surprise, to others it was obvious. Arnold has announced that he’s running to be the next Governor of California. Unlike other celebs turned politicians, many forget that Arnold has been politically active for years on multiple levels. It’ll be interesting to see how this thing turns out. I still find it fascinating that Arnold is a devout Republican while being married to Democratic royalty.

Vowing to “bring California back to what it once was,” Schwarzenegger, 56, said on NBC’s “The Tonight Show” Wednesday that he’s running on a platform to battle special interests and “clean house” in Sacramento. The Austrian-born bodybuilder-turned-actor — who created a film icon in the apocalyptic Terminator movies — took unflinching aim at the governor. “The man who is failing the people more than anyone is Gray Davis,” he said. “He is failing them terribly, and this is why he needs to be recalled, and this is why I am going to run for governor of the state of California.”

“This man has to go,” he said. “I will go to Sacramento, and I will clean house,” Schwarzenegger said.

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