Like almost everyone else, I’m beyond obsessed with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I saw every one of the movies on opening night, and if I remember correctly, I actually saw a couple of them more than once in the theater. So when I read that there’s a possiblity, however slim, that Peter Jackson is hoping to adapt “The Hobbit”, I’m excited. Beyond excited. So much so, that 2008 doesn’t seem that far away.
Today’s new preview page covers The Hobbit, the possible live-action adaptation of the 1938 fantasy novel that not only inspired J.R.R. Tolkien to write a trilogy of sequels called The Lord of the Rings, but in many ways establish a genre template for thousands of fantasy novels that would follow it the last 60+ years. The big looming questions, however, are whether the rights situation will ever get straightened out so that Peter Jackson can adapt this classic book as well… and when exactly might that happen?
Read the rest of the Greg’s Preview here