Jet Li Quitting? Buddha Gets His Little Grubbies on My Movies…

I credit Bubba with giving me this story – he let me in on it, but that was a wee bit more than a day ago.. He’s a busy man. So in his stead, I bring you some sad, sad news. Well, for the movie going audience anyway.

Granted, a slight grain of salt is in attendance with this news as it scratches its way down my throat.. However – word on the street is, that on his 41st birthday, April 26, Jet Li will announce his intent to quit making films to study/follow Buddhism. Oh sure, some will say how wonderful it is when people experience some enlightment.. Oh Yap Yap, enlightenment schmightenment…. I’m talking about my MOVIES here, let’s keep things in perspective.

A Chinese news ticker “” and carried the story. Click here to read the article.

At the same time, if you’ve only ever met Jet Li in the movies he’s made in America, this departure may be a song not worthy of even a sigh. Which is also understandable, but which also begs the case that you desperately need to expand your Jet Li movie library. Like, to include far away ones. Like ones not in… y’know… English. They’d be very good stuffs. Which makes this news very bad stuffs.

I guess April 26th or 27th will provide some future movie enlightenment of our own. We will see…

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