Spartan Reviews

Like I mentioned a couple of days ago, I’m a big Val Kilmer fan. So it’s nice for me to whip around the web and see that his new movie “Spartan” is getting some pretty decent reviews, not fantastic, but pretty decent. The Internet Movie Database sums up the film this way: “A “lone wolf” U.S. government secret agent, Scott(Kilmer), is assigned the task of rescuing the kidnapped daughter(Bell) of the president, only to discover along the way a larger, more sinister plot with origins within the White House itself”. Sounds good to me. Here are what some others are saying about via RottenTomatoes:

“Spartan plays out like a classic mind game, and an awfully good one at that.”
— Christopher Null, FILMCRITIC.COM

“Spartan is Tom Clancy without the pop-literature pretense. It’s 24 for those who like more of a cerebral challenge.”
— Rob Blackwelder, SPLICEDWIRE

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