Well, the trend continues I guess… Films from Asia that are shockingly good being remade for American audiences. Perish the thought they get shown the original. In this case, the original being damn good fun. Don’t go looking for ground breaking cinema here or anything, but I got a solid kick outta this flick. – Although I have no idea who’s at the helm of the remake. Here’s Yahoo’s Report on the whole diddy.
Basically, the mystery is this: someone gets a cell phone number, answers the phone at some point, hears “something”, they go batty, and usually die. With that person dead, inevitably, someone else gets the vacant phone number. Until a child answers the Phone. Then it goes really wacky. Creepy as all get out. And of course, the main character tracks the “entity” until it’s discovered that, albeit previously unknown, there’s a personal connection somewhere along the way. Okay, sure sure, some dramatic devices were pretty “used”, but bite me if it ain’t a good show.
And I don’t really care about this remake deal, because folks, whoever this little girl is in the original is AMAZING, they simply will NOT find a child actor that can overshadow what’s already on print. It’s simply the most disturbing performance by a child I’ve ever seen. Crappity crap crap.
Took some screenshots for ya…