Sure to ruffle more than just a few feathers is Michael Moore’s new documentary “Fahrenheit 911”, which is whsipered to be released sometime this year before the 2004 elections. On Michael Moore’s home page, he says that for the past few weeks he has been behind studio doors finshing the movie’s editing and other finalizing stuff.
Fahrenheit 911 will focus on the issues in the Bush family that has been kept well away from the media – namely those issues that tie the Bush family with the Bin Laden Family in terms of oil, business and billions of dollars. Better put, in Variety magazine, Michael says of the film: “The primary thrust of the film is what happened to the country since Sept. 11 and how the Bush administration used this tragic event to push its agenda,”
I must admit, after doing some research into the matter, there’s some stuff in George’s yard that looks seriously questionable. Apparently, one of the first studios to offer to distribute the film was contacted by the White House themselves “humbly requesting” that they not distribute the film. This fact is a little fuzzy for me, I really should be looking it up again just to be sure. Either way, the distribution rights are now being carried by Mel Gibson’s ‘Icon Pictures’ which won the bid for the movie last March.