A Record Made is a Record Broken.

spiderman_2_small.jpgWell it’s not like there was any doubt that Spiderman 2 would clean up at the box office, but this is still pretty impressive: Spidey’s single day take for Wednesday? Over $40 million. That’s an all time record for a Wednesday screening and well above what most films take in over their entire run. So apparently if you take a massively hyped film and cram into onto a huge number of screens while opening it on a day in which no kids have to go to school you can make a whole lot of money. Who knew? Based on what I saw tonight it should have no problem sustaining the brisk business … great film that is sure to generate as much positive word of mouth as it has positive press. In fact between this and Fahrenheit 9/11 distributors have already started shuffling their smaller films into different release slots figuring that opening a film just at the moment is like sending it off to a death squad …

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