Buffy and Angel TV Movies?

Whedonites may have something more to look forward to.

According to ComingSoon.net, James Marsters, who played Spike on the insanely popular Buffy:The Vampire Slayer was heard saying on “Rove Live” that four telefilms might be in the works. He says Joss Whedon, creator of both series, wants him back.

“I said, ‘Joss, stop it. Three lines, fifty lines, lead role, whatever you want man, call me”, he says. “I’m there for you, because frankly, you’re one of the best writers I’ve worked with. And he said he wanted to do a Spike movie. TV movie. But it’s also contingent upon other characters. He wants to do four TV movies and one of them is Spike.”

With the absence of any Joss Whedon series on television anymore these TVMovies will have to do. Of course we still have Serenity, the Movie evolution of the short lived Firefly to look forward to.

There didnt seem to be enough fan support to keep Angel on the air (or there was and as usual the WB likes getting rid of good shows) but maybe the Buffyverse has enough following to get a few movies out of the networks.

On another note, Joss Whedon is now writing for the new X-Title comic Astonishing XMen. And yes, I am collecting it.

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