Mission Impossible 3 news

TomCruise.jpgAccording to Variety, Mission Impossible 3 has set its release date for June 29th, 2005. I don’t think there was really any question about weather there would be another M.I. movie, they just make too much money not to. HOWEVER, I haven’t really been impressed with the franchise so far. The first one was ok, but the second one was just terrible.

Most of the main cast seem to be returning with the impressive addition of Kenneth Branagh (one of the best pure actors alive today). This is all good news except.

According to Counting Down, Thandie Newton is also returning. WHY? WHY?
WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? This woman (while stunningly beautiful) CAN NOT ACT! She’s terrible. She was easily the worst element of Mission Impossible 2. She was easily the worst element of The Chronicles of Riddick and I can not for the life of me imagine why any self respecting director would put her in a film. I don’t care if the script calls for the character to return GET ANOTHER ACTRESS!

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