
So what happens to Actors who just fall out of the spotlight long enough for you to forget them?

Remember Cary Elwes? Sure you do. Princess Bride. Maybe you think of the other guy in Twister? But what has he done recently? Lots actually, but you probably still forgot him.

Monica Potter? Yup, Patch Adams, Along came a Spider and a forgettable Freddy Prinze Jr movie. It’s ok.

Danny Glover? Oh of course you know the Lethal Weapon movies. All four. But since then? Yeah. He has been busy too.

So what happens to them? They get them all in a room together and make a movie called Saw. We mentioned it a while ago in THIS post. Its quite an upsetting concept.

As far as the “whackjob torturing people for his own sick pleasure” format of thrillers goes, this is by far the most disturbing treatment. Well that and the producers of Battlefield Earth.

So you have two people in a room, and one has a device on her head that will tear it in two if she doesnt retrieve the key out of her new roomate’s stomach?

I just shudder at the thought of it.

Go see the trailer at the HERE. I know we already posted this, but I am cruel and want you all to suffer the nightmares that this has inspired in my life.

That and I like all those actors you forgot. So just go see it, so the movie will be successful and they will be in more movies.

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