The New Transformers Movie: Filmed in Live Action. No Seriously.

Yesterday, superherohype & aintitcool posted a little blip about the apparent Tranformers movie coming to your local movie house by summer 2006.

Superherohype’s article.

Dreamworks and Paramount are the companies behind it with nothing else yet determined with the exception that it’ll be live action. Well, Mr. Spielberg might be the executive producer and AintitCool swears their “source” is correct by saying Rob Zemeckis will direct it. Hmmmm… Live Action. An interesting concept, but ..well.. I just dunno…

– Personally for me, I’m still having a hard time getting around the fact that in an attempt to push more products (Milton Bradley?) went and killed off my favourite transformers in the Transformers Movie — get this — 18 years ago. As a kid, now correct me if I’m wrong, but the news that Optimus Prime died was the first “where-were-you-when-John F Kennedy” moment in our young little lives. Killing off the “coolest” and most “followed” icon of millions of 8-10 year-olds was the dumbest move I have ever seen a company make. And I think the company has been trying to take that moment back ever since.

– That and I’m ticked that the new tranformers are made entirely out of cheap plastic – we had it so good back then. Sigh…
So here we are making a new movie for the newer generation of Transformer lovers – 18 years later, who likely don’t know much about the blasphemies that have taken place before them. Unless they do some show-stopping filming, I likely won’t see this, just to protest that my inner 10 year old is still mad.

Robert Zemeckis is of course the genius behind Back to the Future (and a puss-load of other stuff). But I’m sure you knew that already.

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