Ash vs Freddy & Jason Talks Are Getting Friendlier

About 8 microseconds ago, posted an interesting little article on the negotiations between all of the appropriate Raimies (how do ya spell a plural “Raimi” anyway?) and “other people”. Now, the article doesn’t really specify, usually ending up by using the word “they” in place of whoever they are negotiating with. — So we may have to take a grain of salt with this one.

Now I can understand the reasons ‘for’ this movie, but I also understand being ‘anti’ this movie. The article makes a few sharp little anecdotes about Bruce Campbell’s building following and Ash being the only actual Horror HERO and not just a really popular icon of horror like Freddy & Jason. And as it says “….Besides just hearing Ash quip sh*t to Freddy… will be heaven. Ya know?” Mind you, I expect that whatever final decisions are made will be exclusively owned by the Raimi’s. — I’d imagine that CEO’s have little shrines of the guy thanks to Mr. Spiderman.

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