Coupland Coming to the Big Screen? Bliss!

families.gifOkay, so when I’m not watching far too many films I tend to read far too many books. And when I read I really like to read Douglas Coupland. I mean, sure, he had a bit of a dry spell there with Girlfriend in a Coma and Miss Wyoming but when the man’s on he’s ON. How much do I like Coupland’s writing? Well, his new novel doesn’t come out till November and I’ve already had it pre-ordered for a solid three or four months. So, I was giddy like a school-girl when I read this: Dreamworks has hired commercial director Noam Murro to shoot a film version of Coupland’s All Families Are Psychotic from a script by Mark Poirier.

Now, there have been attempts at adapting Coupland in the past – Microserfs has started and stopped a few times – but for whatever reasons none of them have ever come to fruition. I’ve got hope for this one though because not only is Families one of Coupland’s best novels but it is also one of his more straightforward and plot driven and thus one of the easier ones to adapt into a screenplay. If they screw this up I’m gonna be really pissed …

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