Poster For Shinya Tsukamoto’s Vital

I’ve been going on about this film for a little while, so I was more than a little excited to come across this poster for Vital, the new film from director Shinya Tsukamoto – the man behind Tetsuo: The Iron Man who is often and deservedly referred to as the Japanese David Lynch – and actor Tadanobu Asano. Here’s a synopsis of the film from the Toronto Film Festival’s website:

Shinya Tsukamoto’s latest film, VITAL (Japan) is a North American premiere. Hiroshi Takagi (Tadanobu Asano) has lost his memory in a tragic car accident in which Ryoko (Nami Tsukamoto), his suicidal girlfriend, was killed. After the accident, his only memory is his interest in medicine, which eventually leads him to enroll in medical school. In anatomy class, Hiroshi is confronted with the corpse of Ryoko which he has to meticulously dissect. Subsequent events draw him into the painful, serene consciousness of love.

It’s a decently large image file that I didn’t want to scale down to make fit but also didn’t want to have posted on the main page eating up our band-width, so click here to check out the poster in all its glorious largeness.

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