Bryan Singer Talks More Superman at NYU

singer5.jpgDespite the fact that my movie fan heart was broken at the news Bryan Singer was removing himself from the X-Men 3 project, I’ve been extremely excited at the idea that he’s the man to helm the new Superman (thank heavens McG got kicked off it). The way Singer crafted the X-Men (and entire superhero genre) to life should give us nothing but hope that Superman will regain his rightful place as king of the superheroes (although it looks like Batman will give him a run for his money).

According to AICN, Singer was recently at NYU talking to a group of film students and Superman was really the topic of the day. Here’s an excerpt:

He said that he really wants to cast an unknown in the lead. Caviezel came up. He said, with ample humor, that since Caviezel, is KNOWN, he won’t cast him. He also mentioned that he’s looking for an actor between 25 and 30.

I asked him afterwards (that’s right, I talked to him! Yeah! Sigh…) if he was going to, as a director, go for a mythic Donner-like approach or more character based, like Smallvile aspires to be (i don’t that show, consequently, despite the fact that Superman is my religion), and he responded quickly. “Mythic. Definitely.”

On related subjects, he says that he’s going to have a Logan’s Run “room” setup in Sydney so he can develop it during the filming of Superman, and move on it immediately afterwards. He says that he feels bad about not participating in X-Men 3 (which he won’t). He mentioned a lot of the pre-visualizations on Logan’s has already been done, and he seemed really, really excited about it.

Ok, good news all around! I love the fact that they’re looking for an unknown, even though I wouldn’t have minded seeing Caviezel in the sacred tights. And YAY!!!! He’s still planning on doing Logan’s Run! The article also mentions that they’ve set March as the date to start the actual filming. No More Delays!. Ok, the rest of the article is a good read and you can check it out here.

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