Like most of you, I’ve been hearing a lot of conflicting reports about the status of X-Men 3. Some people say it’s already in the works and some people say Director Brian Singer is off the project because of his involvement with the new Superman movie. Recently, Bruce Davison (Senator Kelly) was interviewed and gave some more insight:
“I had lunch with [‘X-Men’ director] Bryan Singer in Vancouver recently and he seems pretty busy. I know he wants to make ‘Logan’s Run’ and he’s directing ‘Superman’ now,” Davison told GLARE.
So where does that leave the third in the “X-Men” franchise? “I know they’re trying to put a script together for ‘X-Men 3,’ but no one knows how the story is going to evolve.” He’s also heard rumors that Halle Berry won’t come back as Storm because the part isn’t large enough. “I guess I could play Storm if all else fails,” he said. “I’d just have to get a wig.”
So you’re guess is as good as mine. Personally I’m still holding out hope that Singer gers back on board with the X films. Read the whole Chicago Sun-Times article here.