I’m drooling at the mouth I want this movie to get made so badly! Indiana Jones 4 should have been made 5 years ago, but those untalented hacks George Lucas and Steven Spielberg keep saying they’re “busy” (please note, I actually worship those 2 guys). But it looks like the wheels continue to be in motion, even if they’re slow. The two mega geniuses have just signed up Catch Me If You Can man Jeff Nathanson to write up the next installment of Indy. I’m excited about this. Cinema Blend gives us this:
Today brings news that Jeff Nathanson (Catch Me If You Can) will be the next writer to take a stab at the Indiana Jones 4 screenplay. Is this good or bad? Nathanson has experience with Spielberg but who knows if that’s enough to make it pass Lucas. By the time this movie is ever made, will any body still care? Does anybody actually want to see Indiana in a wheelchair?
Personally, I think the idea of an older Indy makes for a much more interesting story. How does the man evolve? What does he become in his latter years? I think it creates a lot more story depth and possibilities. I’m looking forward to it. But this really ticks me off: How is it fair that Ford is now in like his 60’s and yet STILL 10x better looking than me?!?!! How depressing.