Geoffrey Rush has pulled out of the romantic comedy Eucalyptus, also starring Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe. No surprise really as the BBC are reporting, the filming schedule was clashing somewhat with his already bulging workload on the shooting of the two Pirates of the Caribbean sequels. I would presume that would be back to back (or even mixed day to day) filming.
I can’t decide if that is necessarily a bad thing or not, churning out two sequels at once banking on the original. In fact it is a huge trend in Hollywood to leap at sequels as soon as they can.
I mean here is the news today from the Guardian, that The Grudge is rolling towards a sequel. That’s no bad thing, I mean the original is quite good (although disjointed) and I have yet to see the US remake, but have heard good things. Yet that’s not the real problem here, the Studio see cash and they want a sequel. Have they got a writer or a director? Apparently neither are on board as yet. Let’s hope they are going ahead because they are within signing distance of this, but if they’re sitting in their offices shouting “That one returned well, throw out another one” then it’s surely bad.