You know I was wondering why everywhere I turned I was seeing another interview with another cast member, or another interview or story about Alexander (curious bisexual and axed gay scene posts included), it’s because it’s rubbish, and the critics are slating it something rotten. Just have a look at some of the comments gathered in the Guardian story today.
“not just a bad movie, but a bad movie of truly epic proportions”… “upstaged by his epically bad dye job”…”lacks dramatic flair and emotional involvement”…”This movie is going to tank,”
For those of you who don’t read much, well what the hell are you doing reading my long winded posts?! Also, those are the edited highlights of the worst comments. Oh yes, there is a good one, only good in that it isn’t rude or insulting about the movie or Farrell’s hair!
I wonder if the actors are bowing their heads in shame? Who has seen it, and have you got something good to say about it? Despite all these comments I think I’ll still want to see it, and not just for the appearance of John’s wife to be!