Bond Producers to make Casino Royale without Tarantino

CasinoRoyale.jpgThe farce that is the Production of the Bond franchise continues. After dumping Pierce Brosnan so abruptly, and ignoring one of the best offers there could be in the guise of Quentin Tarantino offering to direct possibly the best Bond novel around, Casino Royale, you decide to do the most intelligent thing. Make the movie yourselves.

IMDB carry the story:

On the heels of recent speculation that Quentin Tarantino was considering the possibility of remaking the James Bond thriller Casino Royale with Pierce Brosnan in the starring role, published reports in the U.K. now indicate that Eon Productions, which has produced the Bond films for MGM, has decided to make Casino Royale on its own — without the involvement of either Tarantino or Brosnan.

I can’t help but think they’ve really missed a trick here, pulling Tarantino in to direct the next Bond flick with a brand new Bond, might just swing public opinion towards the new actor as he’ll be dropped in the middle of a fantastic movie and just can’t help but shine. Right now I think most people are wondering why in the hell they let Brosnan go when he’s willing to keep going and is superb!

There are downsides though, after Tarantino you couldn’t go back to the standard franchise could you? You really would have to start using cool Directors after that and taking the films in different directions, there goes your merchandising, etc. I don’t know, still sounds like a cracking idea to me. However, that’s why I’m sitting here with a headache and typing on my computer and not directing a film with millions of dollars as a budget.

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